The funerary monuments were on the outskirts of cities and adorned with gardens. were two types of burial and cremation burial. The tombs were equipped with elements for funeral feasts to celebrate with their loved ones honored the deceased: libation tubes, arbors, exedras and wells. Frequently made offerings of eggs, beans, lentils and wine. The wine was an appropriate replacement of blood, the favorite drink of the dead. On special occasions, animals were sacrificed and made an offering of blood.
The Roman family was close-knit that the death of one of its members became part of the ancestors who had to worship. The burial space, sepulchrum, acquired the character of sacred place, locus religiosus, immovable, inalienable and inviolable. Only he had access to family members.

Whenever circumstances permitting and death, the funeral home at home was the deceased. Accompanying the dying person's family at his bedside to pay their last kiss and hold and the soul escaping from his mouth. After the death, he closed his eyes and he called three times by name to see who really was dead. Then he washed the body, perfumed with ointment and dressed him, was prohibited luxuries. Following the Greek custom with the corpse was deposited a coin for Charon transported his soul into boat and cross the River Styx and into the realm of the dead. Finally, the corpse was placed on a bed with his feet toward the front door, surrounded by flowers, a symbol of the fragility of life and burned incense. According to the social status remained above three to seven days.

At the door of the house were placed branches of fir and cypress to warn pedestrians of the presence of a dead man inside. As a sign of mourning prevented fire in the house. Transportation to the funeral pyre or the grave, was performed by placing the deceased in an open wooden box that was placed on a stretcher to transport or was carried on shoulders by his family. Stood behind the deceased the funeral procession made up the rest of the family and friends. During the funeral ceremony was performed an act of purification for those who had been in contact with the body. Before the grave burial was purified and then sweep or cleaned using water to people who attended the funeral.
The belief of another life after death motivates the individual was buried with items that had been used in life and that now they could accompany him and serve him in this new life: clothing, pottery, work tools, etc. .
During the nine days of funeral rites were held that ended with a meal and the sacrifice of an animal. Food and blood of slaughtered animals were offered to the ancestors of the deceased, Manes, and a deceased individual in order to deify his soul and place it next to the protective deities of the family.
time of mourning for the relatives was ten months and could not do parties or used decorations.
attentions to the deceased were still continuing after this time to ensure their eternal rest. Offerings of food: bread, wine, fruit, grapes, cakes, etc. and flowers such as violets and roses were common. These acts were performed by the family of the deceased's birthday. The deceased were generally honored Parentalia days and took place between days 13 and 21 February. Other festivals dedicated to the deceased and older were the Lemuria, held on 9, 11 and 13 May.
Incineration was to reduce the body to ashes. The Romans believed that the soul could return to their place of origin, the sky.
The ceremony was held on a pyre-shaped altar, on which the coffin was deposited with the corpse. You have eyes that could look as his symbolic soul of his way to heaven. Animals were sacrificed and loved by the deceased were cremated with him. Before burning the corpse, he cut his finger and threw three handfuls of earth to symbolize the burial.

The Romans believed that the souls of the dead were traveling to the underworld where God reigned Pluto. The souls were led by the God Mercury. In this world accessed through the Styx, on a raft conducted by Charon, which led them to coin the other side.
The underworld was guarded by a three-headed dog Cerberus. There the souls were tried and after the verdict was conveyed to the region of good souls or evil.