Friday, April 29, 2011

How To Use Blender To Make Orange Juice

The memory of Joaquín Blume, a perennial in the Sierra de Cuenca

European Champion, was an isolated phenomenon in Spain
-52 ANNIVERSARY - twenty-seven died along with other passengers in a plane crash in the Telegraph Peak, April 29 1959

For the sixth consecutive year, the City Council Orchard Marquesado together many sponsors, organized the March Blume, to be held tomorrow, April 30, departing at 9.30 to Collado Bajo, where over 13.30 will be a wreath, and other acts.

atletaJoaquín name Blume, European Champion Gymnastics in 1957, was etched forever in the Sierra de Cuenca, Telegraph Peak (1838 meters high), 29 April 1959. It was the great figure, the myth of English sport, whom the Franco regime left no part in the Melbourne Olympics and the 1958 World Gymnastics, held in the USSR. Joaquín Blume was 25 and was the largest English language sports highlight in those years when only Real Madrid or Barcelona shone in European competitions that Spain alone. It was the mirror that looked at athletes who started. Appear after Bahamontes, Luis Ocaña ...
Blume's death in the plane crash that occurred in the Sierra de Cuenca 52 years ago tried to cut short the career of a gymnast to which they labeled as a "superman " made popular " The Christ" between their modes of gymnastics apparatus, holding the rings still vertical.
That April 29, 1959, snow covered the Telegraph Peak, in the dense highland Cuenca, between the towns of the Marquis Valdemeca and Huerta. Shortly before twenty past five pm, the passenger jet Madrid-Barcelona, \u200b\u200ba CD-3 Douglas, in Iberia, which would make stops in Tuscany to follow their route to Santa Cruz de Tenerife, was seen by fishermen Canete, who observed strange maneuvers. The unit ended up crashing on the highest peak being completely destroyed. After the brutal impact of fire and death, grim silence fell between some sobbing and moaning, still could hear the Francisco Sánchez ranger when he reached the scene of the tragedy, two hours later, with several workers from the mountain that is dedicated to reforestation. Snow and blood, twisted wreckage and scattered corpses. Twenty-eight bodies, including Joaquín Blume and his wife, María José Bonet.
With limited means the area was inspected. Authorities Basin and nearby towns, and many volunteers came to the place where the Civil Guard carried out rescue and identification. The journalist Eduardo Bort, who ran the local newspaper " Offensive", made an extensive account of the event and extremecedor which collect these paragraphs: " In all, four fires. Four flashes seen from many miles, in the form of a cross compassionate for the fallen in the cult of progress. As a red cloak of mourning over the snow covered in blood and of horrors. As the Olympic flame rings flashing in the last tribute to Joaquín Blume, the gymnast simple and gentleman, gala and national sports pride. For even Joaquín Blume was there. Inert collected, frozen. Head destroyed (she lavished him resounding victories). ribcage blackened by fire (on hold your breath rhythmic, soft, great teacher of physical culture) Tips broken a thousand times (the precise hanging rings and walkways, the free play of his marvelous inspiration). ....

Thursday, April 28, 2011

One Night In Paris Mobile Stream


Following the path of the carretra, both input from Torralba, and from Villaconejos, and from La Frontera. You can access some impressive images, and that once you stand at a point can make a 360 º, and see everything around you, in effect as if you were recording with a video camera.

The following images are a sample of what you can do:

To access pictures how are you must have installed on your computer
Google Earth, you can do from HERE

Fort Worth Male Waxing

SEEN WITH GOOGLE EARTH "As your mayor I am I owe you an explanation" (Pepe Isbert)

Welcome Mr Marshall is a film that not only has not aged,
is that it is more uncomfortable than healthy fifty years ago.

The Marshall Plan (officially called the European Recovery Program or ERP) was the main U.S. plan to rebuild European countries after the Second World War, which in turn was meant to contain a possible spread of communism . The initiative was named for Secretary of State of the United States, George Marshall, and was designed primarily by the State Department, especially William L. Clayton and George F. Kennan.
Many parts of the world that were also devastated by the Second World War did not benefit from the Marshall Plan. The only major Western European country that was excluded from aid Spain was because after the English Civil War, Spain was closed in a policy of autarky and protectionism under the Franco regime. Even with its reluctance to cooperate with a country fascist aspect, the United States decided to offer economic aid to Spain, because the regime of Francisco Franco was, however, guarantee that the country would not receive Soviet influence. During the fifties, Spain received U.S. funding, and even if they never reached the amounts that their neighbors had received under the Marshall Plan was the starting point of an economic recovery after more than ten years of grueling war.
Welcome, Mister Marshall is a 1953 English film directed by Luis García Berlanga. Was re-released on December 20, 2002 in Guadalix de la Sierra, where they filmed the movie, with 25,260 spectators and raising € 39,346.58. In addition, as a tribute to the centennial of the Gran Vía of Madrid, were projected a dozen famous films, among which was this.
In the 1950's, a small English village, Villar del Rio, (part of the filming took place in Guadalix de la Sierra, in the Community of Madrid) is preparing to receive the alleged visit by the full U.S. aid plan development. The people see an opportunity and social life begins to revolve around Americans.
Welcome, Mister Marshall is a film produced by UNINCI (which forced its director to include Lolita Sevilla), which, in a tone of satire and criticism underground, talks about the political and economic situation in Spain at the time shooting, unprecedented in the English films to date. It is said that Franco's censors passed by the ironic dose of xenophobia it contains. While others see as Kepa Sojo, author of American , I received with joy ! An approach to Welcome Mister Marshall , which was to demonstrate that the Franco regime was not bad. Movie
essential in the English film, considered a masterpiece. Backed by awards harvested at the International Film Festival of Cannes, the work of Berlanga is a comedy of manners about the Spain of the 1950's. These are the years when the United States government launches the Marshall Plan to rebuild Western Europe after the war, aid which Spain was left out. Berlanga also portrays the initial openness of the Franco regime to foreign countries, mainly U.S.
A biting depth charge against the United States, topped with censored scene of the sinking American flag in the canal, which shocked Edward G. Robinson during his exhibition in Cannes, Kepa Sojo said that was due to be charged as common and free American Activities Committee. While the actor ranting against "an attack on U.S." Berlanga trying to play at the casino with a fake dollars with the face of Pepe and Manolo Morán Isbert. So Welcome Mr Marshall is a film that not only has not aged, is that it is more uncomfortable than healthy fifty years ago.
The film is an example of how it was Spain at the time, and the characters represent the characteristic types. On the one hand the power, represented by the mayor, the priest and the active forces (apothecary, gentleman, merchant, teacher), and other people (mostly farmers). From the social point of view has captured the idiosyncrasies, the fact that the mayor is somewhat deaf is not accidental, nor fear the Delegate that the cure is gossipy, the teacher is single and needs the support of smartass class ... The subordinate role of women is reflected in its limited presence, and that such limited intervention is the popular singer. The people have missed the boat, and is doomed to disappear.
Of great relief is the outcry from the City, with Pepe and Manolo Morán Isbert in a retrospective and hilarious performance. The proclamation began with the sentence: "As mayor your I am I owe an explanation, and that explanation I'm going to give because I owe you " repeated several times has become one of the mythical events English cinema.
For the Americans the people prepared a song, this is the point.

The Yankees have been, olé
wit, a thousand gifts,
and pretty girls
will present him with airplanes,
with free jet airplanes
that cuts the air,
and skyscrapers, or keep yourselves in frigidaire


come to Spain
handsome, healthy, long live
of that great people
with power,
ole Virginia,
and Michigan, and live
Texas, which is not bad, you get

Americans with joy, olé
my mother,
olé my mother and my aunt
The Marshall Plan comes from abroad
pa our accoutrement,
and many parneses
will take good hair
Villar del Rio. They will bring currency
who ran better,
and socks and shirts
Pa lad more suspected.

Fire Bellied Frogs For Sale

The miseries of rural Franco

FRANCO the miseries of RURAL.
labor relations in agriculture
English, 1936-1948

Maria Teresa Ortega López
Agricultural History, No. 43
December 2007, pags. 531-553

The Civil Guard detained a farmer

The triumph of the rebel troops in the Civil War brought about the establishment throughout the national territory of a new regime, militarized and dictatorial. In the countryside, the new Francoist state was imposed from the first time remove the entire experience Reform of the Second English Republic. The new officers were formed not only to abolish the new legislation that had set up the Ministry of Labour since 1931. Like a " exemplary lesson" is involved, pursued a violent crackdown on those who one day applaud the breakdown of the "natural order ." Hundreds of laborers and poor peasants paid dearly for such audacity. Many were executed, and those who survived were doomed to utter helplessness.

The Franco articulated whole legislative machinery that took the form of Work Regulations, Ministerial Orders and Decrees-Law thinking only of their potential allies, the landowners. For them and for them developed a complex labor legislation that indemnified them for economic losses suffered during the Republic, but also the disruption caused by the disastrous autarkic policies. The state monopoly in the regulation of labor relations and all intervention in wage laid the foundation to restore the domain management. Resources such as piecework, partial transcripts of the law, and the complete impunity granted to employers to ensure the recovery of profits and the parallel exploitation of labor laborer.

What Do I Eat When I Have Swollen Lymph Nodes?

clarinets and drums: CRAFTS TO SERVICE EASTER

Text: Luisma Calvo, web extracted from the
Guilds Board the Easter Basin

Everything in life has a reason, a source, end. It is not capricious, each year in the Good Friday morning, in the light of the first full moon of spring, three fraternities make their faith public processions through the streets of Cuenca. Nor is the participation of The mobs in this singular procession, which has become one of the hallmarks of Easter in the city.

While there are reliable data that the first procession on Good Friday morning in the city, originally called the Nazarenes, was held in 1616, about the true origin of The mob as we know them today, there is an actual or dummy that is taken by all as the germ of this group. What does seem clear is that predate the nineteenth century. But what was the involvement of this group? What or who they represent? Most of the hypotheses that attempt to justify their presence in Cuenca Friday procession talk about the turbos as a group of actors whose mission is to simulate the fun of it, according to Christian tradition, Jesus was subjected on their way to Cross. That's it? So why the use of drum and bugle?

Trying to delve deeper into the origin of this peculiar expression, we account that the participation of drummers at Easter is not an exclusive event in Cuenca. Both in Spain and Latin America, there are many places where celebrations take place with significant similarities (Alcaniz, Hellin, Tobarra Híjar, Calanda Zamora in Spain and Jesus Maria in Mexico). In all, the people and the drum are common, but in each there is an origin and an end.

In addition, a review of the History of Art offers a number of evidence that drums and horns have been part of the representations of scenes from the passion and death of Jesus, at least from the Age Media. Therefore, many scholars have tried to explain the reason for the use of percussion during Easter seek their roots deep cultural tradition in some cases, religious or other, in a large majority in a mixture of both.

At this point, we can say that The mobs as we know them today emerged in the nineteenth century, closely linked to the brotherhood of Nuestro Padre Jesus Nazareno de El Salvado r they collected a number of features anchored in the depths of our cultural heritage. We are, therefore, with a demonstration that combines the religious fervor and cultural tradition.

A turn of the century, this group was formed by six trumpets, six drums and a Master of mobs, all from very poor families. Thus appear closely related lineages since this group: The Mills , The Pantaleone, The Patacas ... Ensure that José Cobo, then mayor of the city, they paid a paucity consisting of a real and a touch of gingerbread for turbo.

The necessary reconstruction of the Holy Week after the Civil War also reached The mobs. Thereafter, she was part of 24 persons: 12 trumpets and 12 drums, although it was usual to have the presence of the youngest of the family continued the tradition of primitive families. The order of the parade was as follows: first the trumpet, drums and then, after them, The Jesus .

Another traditional customs, which still exists today, was the mob pays visit to the Elder Brothers of Our Father Jesus the Nazarene, also many times that of San Juan Evangelista-in on Friday night Ghost. Big Brother was up to its visitors with a meal based on cookies, muffins, pastries and resoli.

almost forgotten crafts are also being connected to the development of two of the protagonists in the early hours of Friday: the drum and bugle. In this case the accommodation is away to tradition. They say the turbos life pure sound that is provided by the drums made based on tightening the skin preferably beef, with hands and with the help of a rope.

A skin that had to be at least a month immersed in salt water before being placed in Cuba. After assembly, the time will do the rest: about ten days after the drum be dry and ready for use. In the case of the trumpet, the copper tube has been the main raw material. A few laps with the help of a machine, a nozzle at one end and a metal cone in the other are sufficient to achieve a traditional bugle.

But perhaps that has changed has been the procession itself. Apart from the necessary development and consequent adaptation to the times, in recent years have seen many things that have little or nothing to do with Mobs. They have no sense and the crossing of sticks or the sticks, and the shouting, or jumping, or the whistles, or the shoving. and, of course, fighting and insults. At the end of the day, we must not forget that we participate in a religious procession in which everyone, from their own beliefs, is to fulfill its role.

And this holy tradition that endures over time is necessary to seek authenticity, roots, and away from excess. Understand that Mobs have always preceded the Nazarene Salvador, and so they have to parade in front of the script of brotherhood is just that place. Knowing that the trumpets have sounded when The Jesus protruded from the curves or when the march began after rest of the banceros, while the drums were silent. Understand that the Miserere is the song of a penitential psalm ( Mercy, my God, for your kindness, / and your great compassion blot out my guilt / washing my crime, / cleanse my sin. / For I know my fault) and has always listened in silence and with due respect. And do not forget the drum, his hoarse, and the trumpet, with its shrill, not to be but a demonstration of respect and devotion of the turbo to the figure of the Nazarene walking, without reference, to a death foretold. With all this in the mob are combined, as elsewhere, faith, tradition, popular religion, culture ... Without that combination of faith and tradition, no sense, would be a fiesta.

We must be aware that we are part of a parade in which the right to participate must be equal for all members, to accompany Jesus on his way to Calvary, the way is what changes: as bancero, Nazarene, turbo ... Cardinal Carlos Amigo, archbishop of Seville, perfectly explained with an example: " At the same time, the same Lady, the Virgin of Soledad Basin and Virgen Macarena in Seville take to the streets. Silence content are almost breathing is to the Virgin darling Basin. "Clapping? It would insult! Is saying compliments? It would be blasphemy! At the same time, the same lady, with another name goes on the morning of Seville. Bands of music, applause, live, compliments! To do otherwise is a bad son. But in the end, the love and devotion to the Mother! ... The same text, different music . " For Mobs, a very bottom-the devotion to Jesus-but differently-brothers or turbos. A common sense but in a different way to show it.

Text Recuenco Julian Perez (memorial Mobs years 2000).
Damian Drum Polo prepared by José Luis Herrero and José M. Hernansaiz

Historically, the most beautiful craftsmanship Cuenca has been placed at the service of Holy Week. This applies, for example, the poles that support the weight of our litter processional, made in workshops in Modesto and brothers Nemesio Pérez del Moral, or those of Apolonio Perez Callandra, or latest by Esteban and His son, Juan Jose Soriano. It is also the case of the dresses made by Emilio Saiz for his beloved image of Mary Magdalene or dress figures step away from the launch, or the beautiful embroidered robes for our Virgin procession by Dona Encarnacion Roman. This is the case, finally, fine cut-glass shades, which is almost only seen in the processional route, but still waiting on some shelf in our closets or in trunks, sleeping, protected from dust, a shelf , a showcase for the desired Museum Easter.
Other times, the craft becomes more functional, like, not just art, adornment, but their own service-Is it not also true craftsmanship of our work quietly women, each time a new Easter is approaching, with new robes for the young, embroidering badges, recosiendo the hoods that are becoming smaller? Is not it also true craft of cooking the great work they do with the pots-God is also among the pots, he said Santa Teresa, preparing dishes rich and industrious, with the cod almost absolute monarch, will save the fast of Good Friday?
also making the drums and bugles, real players in a single night, unique, part of that functional craft that talk, a craft is to be lost because the turbos today, in this as in all rules, there are exceptions, of course, prefer the comfort of the purest tradition, marking an unwritten law that the turbo would make himself the devotional musical instrument with which, for a few hours ghostly, dark, undertake its squeaky prayer to Christ who is about to die.

is not necessary to repeat once again the importance of percussion has in all cultures as a means of communication between man and divinity. Beyond any sense of rhythm, musical, percussion is a way of language, and I'm not just talking about those African drums, by which the inhabitants of the forest passed each other important messages. I'm talking mostly about how primitive peoples have always played percussion for any contact with the spiritual world, using even their own bodies as a single instrument. In Cuenca, every Friday, the drum beat again fulfills the same function of prayer, petition for clemency and forgiveness, but is dressed in the guise of the most ruthless mockery.
most appropriate date to start manufacturing a drum of the mob is at least a month before Easter, more or less the same time that Lent begins. There is no unique way of preparing it, and now there are tensioners that can greatly facilitate the work, although the best sound, pure, is provided by those who have made since the beginning of a completely handmade, made to pull the rope and tighten the skin naturally, with the only effort of your own hands. The drum can also be one or two patches, but the best, and less common today, is to do two, because in addition to less sound is lost, it is possible that if the skin is broken during the processional route, you can turn around and keep playing on the other side.
The first thing you should do is stretch it on the ground the skin, which previously had to be at least a month immersed in water and salt. This may be of different types of animals, but the really important is to be characterized by their hardness. The preferred type is the beef, and within this animal classes offered, the yearling bull or Anajo, which is the one that is less than a year old, is harder than the more mature animals. Its thickness is usually between three and five millimeters. It is preferable to keep the hair, so that the sound is rough, but be careful that this is because always towards the inside.
The skin is cut and placed on Cuba, always bearing in mind that you should stop hanging a part of it, in order to facilitate the work of tension, and it binds strongly to a rope. Here begins the most difficult part of the development. It is necessary to tighten the rope very strong on the skin, so after a few minutes of work, it is easy to see how big it is marking grooves, also including small cuts in the hands of the person you are working. Once securely was the tension, a task that can take many minutes of hard work against the skin, stretched tight and replacing the rope back in place intermittently, until finally the surface is quite tight. This process is called tempering, and when finished you have to cut the rope ends and the remaining part of the skin, a slightly lower level left by his own rope. Finally, the skin may rub with garlic, so that is tuned better, but it is not necessary.
Once the manual work, leave the skin dry. It is therefore preferable not to rush the process, putting artificial sources of heat or leaving the sun too, as the very strength of the skin can cause the drum break. You have to let it dry at the time, naturally, for about ten days. That is when we can say that the drum, in its essential features, is complete. The skin and rope have become so hardened during drying, that everything has been done a piece, so that if you have not previously cut piece of skin hanging, now it will be very difficult. It only remains, therefore, stick to the base around hinges, with the sole purpose of holding the cord with which the turbo can hang the drum during the parade, and wrap it with fabric, color always dark on the day's special meaning in which he should excel. Once the procession will be convenient disassembly and reassembly, so it goes slack slowly through the years.
If processing of the drum is important, not less so is the sticks, but in the process of manufacturing these are fewer things to consider. You can make different kinds of wood, provided that it is hard: walnut, bush, oak, ... The hardest are those of oak or Choke. Formerly used to do the spokes of the wheels of cars.
It is extremely important for the turbo, so that between them they say it's like the woman, who did not leave anyone. Since ancient times there were different types of drum also including some boxes. However, we must note that what was then called box was not like the current boxes, the percussion instrument bands own music that allows the roll, which is so reviled among the turbos of tradition. Those were also made by hand with a skin patch, and the only thing that differed from the drums is that the sound was different, less bronco.
So are the drums of the mob, or so they were, because now more premium comfort than anything else. Today, young turbos prefer to pay the four or five thousand pesetas who ask for a new drum that will surely be broken before return to reach the Plaza del Salvador. This is something that affect those who have been our guides in the classic way to make a drum. We remember, and with this we end our tour of the development of the drum, his words: "It's very easy to buy a drum, but this is not going to live and buy a drum. You have to know to make patches, and then each will have love what you do ... People who start I want to say that there is nothing better than you do, and that the first year can go wrong, or not as good as they want, but over of the night and go see a race, you are watching another, questions, and second, you'll probably go well ... His is that he did turbo the drum, as he always has done, or between two friends, or three ... There are several ways to do it, but to the whole system is a drum that is rough, hard skin, and that is what has always been, what we have been taught.


The origin of trumpets, as the speakers in other scenarios processional should be sought in the old trumpets from the procession Baroque announced the arrival of the parade spectators. The trumpets sound with harsh, almost squeaky, fulfilled the same function overpowering that the luminosity of candles in the dark, which provided more shadows than light true, or the acrid smell of burning incense. The baroque procession was actually the full excitement of the senses have to wonder why all constitutions Synod always impinged on conscription, almost never fulfilled, that the processions proceeded nevertheless always day. The night is, of course, better stage than the day to exalt the senses.
Like the drum, there are different ways to make a trumpet, differences lie in the material chosen to do as you own the instrument. It affects the material in recent years has tended to the unification, and it is not easy to find outside the long tubes of copper. But once also used other metals such as bronze, brass, or just the tin. It affects the layout, there are around one and two, and among these latter, there are also differences between those who hold the same length in both rounds, and the second round is shorter than the first, However, the differences in sound not too much between them.
The first thing you should do to make a trumpet is to take the copper tube and straighten it, nor is there a set amount in thickness must take the tube, but usually it is between 0:15 millimeters measurement effort will depend then you have to do to get the sound to the metal. After the tube is inserted into a special machine for bending metal tubes, whose operation is very simple, and only with the help of this machine is given the returns you want. Once this operation cuts the tube, and at one end of the nozzle is inserted. In the other, as a speaker, introducing a metal cone also previously conducted a small scale. These two objects can be welded to the tube or, if you prefer, simply set it to extremes. Finally, the metal must be covered, as drum, with dark cloth, purple or mainly black. Clarion
The development is perhaps simpler than the drum, at least not pass through a drying process, as the other. However, its importance during the procession is equal to the drum, to mark the rhythms, sequences, the parade.


Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Period Was Only Brown Discharge When Wiping

Jurisdiction Bishop José Fermín Martínez, born in Cañizares (Cuenca)

Ivan Velez

By clicking on the image
, will access the original
MADRID, Spain (Exclusive-J7) .- A decade before the proclamation of independence of the Mexican nation, the July 14, 1800, died once the Bishop of Chiapas and Soconusco, José Fermín Martínez Charter, born in the small town of Cañizares (Cuenca, Spain), July 7, 1749, in a family that was a true saga of ecclesiastical character whose members stressed the uncle of Don Fermín José, Francisco Antonio Charter, author of a work in which they relate, among other miracles overseas.
Protected by his uncle, José Fermín joined in 1763 at the prestigious Colegio de San Ambrosio de Salamanca, then complete their training in the equally named University of Alcalá de Henares, where doctoraría in Philosophy and Canons.
culminated this crucial stage of his life, out went to Mexico, beginning his American career as Canon PhD at the Royal Collegiate Church of Our Lady of Guadalupe. In 1772 listed as lawyer in the Royal Audiencia of Mexico, to, years later, in 1786, he served as rector of the University of Mexico. His great merits achieved in 1791 gained him the post of Dean of Santa Iglesia Catedral de Oaxaca in Indias Cathedral in 1793 and is the vicar.
Finally, his ecclesiastical career culminated when he was named Bishop of Chiapas and Soconusco, being recommended on July 18, 1795 and consecrated in Guatemala on September 11, 1796, where he participates in the inauguration of the Cabinet of Natural History.

Monday, April 25, 2011

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"Judas." Easter 2011. Albalate of

begins the task of construction of Judas. Some old corduroy pants, which in its heyday were black, eaten by the sun, darned at the crotch and patches on the legs, they will fill in encañadura forming the legs of insolent puppet. With some old canvas pial be formed feet, shoes sandals a deformed by its owner disrupted gait. A plaid jacket, its owner can not even remember when released, or if it was him who did it, will be filled with straw by having their arms crossed the suffering of those who resemble him betrayed. Complete its grotesque head of a clay figure, a white jug, of those who made the cool water, with a brand that you will be drawing on his pale complexion facial features. Your hollow head cover an old straw hat were left on after enduring the rigors summer threshing.