There is a phrase that says much, and is one that says: "The life of student is the best. "He has a point, but on the other side you have to look at Christmas for February ... In May, when the warm weather starts and you feel like leaving home, for June ... And in summer, straining hours of beach, party and tranquility, for September.
And all those hours of suffering for what? To have you get very nervous at the exam, I put forward, you read it, write your name and give in? Well go fuck ... Even if you have what is normal currado you deliver it, read it, snorted and say: "Of shit, I know." Now, that comfort.
But most encouraged about is that mesecitos, which I'm enjoying at the moment in which no school, no work to do and can do whatever the hell you want without having that bad conscience for not being studied. Well
chic @ s I leave I'm going to relax a bit that I've finished exams and I passed up. Until next time.

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