FRANCO the miseries of RURAL.
labor relations in agriculture
English, 1936-1948
Maria Teresa Ortega López
Agricultural History, No. 43
December 2007, pags. 531-553
The Civil Guard detained a farmer |
The triumph of the rebel troops in the Civil War brought about the establishment throughout the national territory of a new regime, militarized and dictatorial. In the countryside, the new Francoist state was imposed from the first time remove the entire experience Reform of the Second English Republic. The new officers were formed not only to abolish the new legislation that had set up the Ministry of Labour since 1931. Like a " exemplary lesson" is involved, pursued a violent crackdown on those who one day applaud the breakdown of the "natural order ." Hundreds of laborers and poor peasants paid dearly for such audacity. Many were executed, and those who survived were doomed to utter helplessness.
The Franco articulated whole legislative machinery that took the form of Work Regulations, Ministerial Orders and Decrees-Law thinking only of their potential allies, the landowners. For them and for them developed a complex labor legislation that indemnified them for economic losses suffered during the Republic, but also the disruption caused by the disastrous autarkic policies. The state monopoly in the regulation of labor relations and all intervention in wage laid the foundation to restore the domain management. Resources such as piecework, partial transcripts of the law, and the complete impunity granted to employers to ensure the recovery of profits and the parallel exploitation of labor laborer.
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