Wednesday, April 8, 2009

How To Remove Phlegm From Fabric


Music is a gift, a gift from God to Man, and he depends on knowing how to use it, for better or for worse, the music depending on his character leads us to enthusiastic, sensitize, sad, elated, and even get violent.

Who does not remember the song he taught us as children in catechesis, which to this day we sing at Mass, at meetings, retreats, etc.. The thousands of expressive possibilities offered by the music and its enormous ponteciabilidad evangelizing and humanizing, communicative and so motivating. Are some reasons why this area becomes expressive in one of the most used.

is important for Catholic musicians and ministries are aware of a minimum of concepts, basic skills and techniques offered by the musical expression as a means of evangelization. We therefore propose this moment of reflection about the music that God gives us as a "gift" and so closer the kingdom of God to our world. Let the networks and start working.

Since its inception, the Church has recommended the use of singing and music in worship to God (Eph 5, 19-20) and since then has been of great importance in the celebration of the Christian mystery ( Liturgy).


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