Almost, almost tree studded the solar Cuenca, Pedro Lorenzo, Extremadura he proposes compliments to the river, the hill on the river again, proclaimed on the mysteries, sweet, guto, a word, stuck to its secrets by the unusual inquiry. I am Pedro de Lorenzo one afternoon in July or August "," do not know now, a summer afternoon rocking him the chant of the old, squeaky chair, registration details to beat Minimum clearance, road through the rocky road or land may, at the foot of the cliff, a resident of garden, looking up where ever poured rigor of its neighbor to the sickle verse. And Peter says Totundo: There is Federico de Cuenca. I've left some lines to Fray Luis. Peter writes of the Friar Lawrence belmonteño, cabd precious stones, calligraphy mixed success with a resounding reason to past ancestors arrived in Cuenca when that conquest.
Pedro, stone, rock, rock, hard second, also like a green glass for the view of Cuenca. I look up and down, discover and record, happy for the meeting of the corner and its facade, vertical to the altar chants foscuras, green all through it, plant, eternal teenage witch incredible lozanuras and smoothness of the word. Continuous complimented the city, the environment, man of the hill, viejero of Pillars, added as an ivy to show the limestone frieze, lucky visitor mágicos.Y secrets I've seen the word loose, golden, light wind and other church-still somewhat theatrical then mine, "the oreosas, ampullae judge, in a tribute to the poet of Cuenca.
window has opened, or maybe no window? - Slowly and broad vocational fog at the bottom of the sickle, kneeling on the floor as poplar, rediscovering the mysteries, pleasant amúlelo handler or glass. Because again, Pedro de Lorenzo has a green glass or blue or crimson-to see this landscape that reveals to him the minute, the viewer of the rocks, the lair of a city that grows in the eyes every hour and every day when you open "if you open it or what was said," when open, I mean the window. Occurs after the miracle fruit set in the shadow of his prose dazzles the writer, makes designing adventures. But Peter would rather walk by the rivers: Júcar green, green like Gerardo. Or the silver-Basin became stupidity in highway lighting. Or is that Peter is chipping in funds Huécar undetectable. Guest of Huécar
, trumpet for Júcar in orchestrating their English rivers always precious diamond prose, contained and released, free to the woes of himself. Pedro prose writer, writer Pedro, Pedro creative youth. Pedro crier. What? Whose preacher he is, this writer of shades like gold? Cuenca flowers and leaves him with the processions, and the story and characters, with the basin to which it first in line of their desires and their loves. Who has placed the name right there shaking like a leaf, early as the morning dew? It's Pedro de Lorenzo who sings the Holy Week in Cuenca.
holes are filled the pages true to the chronic and the man she loves come to town and says grace. In the paper, the gallery, chat and confidence. Pedro Cuenca Lorenzo is something that penetrates and smells, tastes, and feels. For even him, the chronicler of the English rivers, has, has, retains, possesses, uses his strange talisman green glass on the dreams of Cuenca, Pedro de Lorenzo wrote resounding reference Candaules King, Andre Gide, hiding its shadow the contact of glass through which the parade is sure of the history of Cuenca.
I would like to continue seeing this writer Extremadura that feels and tastes like Federico, Pedro Lorenzo and Cuenca.
Pedro de LORENZO
In principio erat verbum ... In the beginning, the word that tall archangel lyric Federico necromancy, Federico de Cuenca. There the word was a word Cuenca; believed in Cuenca, the reality of Cuenca, on parole, his word. He defended himself in a pout at times ironic, at once caught, fervid, suasive, that yes, there was a land, a stone, called Cuenca.
his word to his feet figures, painted landscapes. Not freed us from the confusion: Cuenca, the Enchanted City. But that magic serraniega City, geological fantasy, it appears that Basin is not in town, but leagues above, Júcar against the current, rocks broken off to one side to another side, celestial sentinels of the road to the top of the Diocese.
we refused to lay eyes on the map. We thought. His word, and the principle Cuenca. Suffice to climb the slope of Ocaña, to lobby and contemplation of the memory of the master - that of good coat -, who came to seek death in his villa and take it, tired knight, boy Escorial Uclés: the master Don Rodrigo Don Rodrigo Manrique, ashes of rebirth, a mirror of tombstones:
Here lies dead man
What is your name alive
His own son, the commander, looking for the reasoning of singing, remembering. Until he died, years here and in that century, in Santa María del Campo Santa Maria Basin, wounded in view of the castle by villains Garrimuñoz Villena, Cuenca arms with vigor and witchcraft amatory, evil spells, errant step.
planted In the master, Jorge Manrique inquisitorial rounds with only one destination of Don Alvaro de Luna bastard, a man of Cañete. The Posada del Sol, in Canete, by the way of Teruel; Don Alvaro, constable, war and ultimately giving his cousin consort under the Marquis de Villena, Enrique de Villena or bewitched bewitching.
Villena in their manors, where the lawyer flew to Rome Eugenio Torralba riding hood, and about to pen epic pages of Eugenio d'Ors. That, Torralba, in Iniesta, writing delusions and moralities: Book of aojamiento, Treaty of consolation.
East, to another character, Johan Fernandez de Valera, desolate basin. Not just him, physical and prelates from the pineapple will require capital, and Villena up a Treaty of leprosy at the request of the teacher in Cuenca Alfonso, medical note; and even posthumous influence Fray Lope de Barrientos, king's confessor, a Dominican bishop, who sacked him in life and after death leads to weeding two truckloads of books and papers.
Don Juan Manuel, de Alarcón to El Provencio, covering the race, contemplative Belmonte, and with the intuition that one day, escape to get monk Belmonte in Salamanca, and they want me the fame says, a boy, suffered Quixote under the glorious name of Fray Luis de León.
Quixote, say San Clemente. Vote for Rus!, Swears Sancho at the output of Knight in the lands of La Mancha, Cuenca bias, thinking of Aragon: The Stain Montearagón. Only
before, Huet, born one for friar of the order of children, he is sensitive to the poetry of the people, bringing to sacred songs under the signature of Fray Ambrosio Montesino. Isabel the Catholic, and prompted the latest song: the song of death, the verses he read or heard in the supreme trance.
De Cuenca Don Gil de Albornoz out, " great Cid of states Church." When called to account of his journey, Don Gil Grand Captain of the divine, the Administration responds stingy throwing the keys of the cities that took.
Mota del Cuervo, against which the streets are cut blue marble of molinos: moliendo y amolando, en el lema de Federico Muelas. Tarancón para un alto, viajeros de Madrid-Cuenca, cuna de frentistas como Melchor Cano o duques consortes de reinas, Fernando Muñoz, precedente de alas cortadas de mi paisano Godoy.
¿Paisanos? Paisanísimos: Cuenca de la Casa de recogidas, del obispo Sebastián Flores Pavón, hijo único, nacido en Casas de Don Antonio, muerto en Cuenca, la Cuenca de mis muertos: Petrvs Lavrentivs , lápida en La catedral; Lorenzo de Lorenzo, el camposanto de canónigos, caído arma al brazo a la defensa de la plaza.
Cuenca toda, de los países en que íbamos alzando sus figuras, mientras Federico nos leia Montesinos or ditties he gnashed their teeth in the recitation of the Sonnets with sandstone, " so dry that if I wanted to spit. .." Worship, not circumvented Góngora and stood at Gerardo Diego, ecstatic Sensory Júcar greens, including silver poplars, thalamus and many poplars, suicide, what fault?
Tormos, torques, or that rite top-Cuenca, Cuenca-of the vertical pit; Basin forests that represent us as the sleeping girl who seduces and imprisons Ramon Ledesma Miranda, a beautiful teenage witches or he becomes Eugene Montes when, his head bandaged, simulator of a skull trepanation to Apollinaire, escapes from the spell, seen and unseen his chair at the school, Alfonso VIII institution where a quarter of a century here, or knew of his adventure and his destiny and had to ride him a tribute to legalize those frustrated inauguration. Federico
Until he managed to settle Ruano, César González-Ruano. We started to go to Cuenca. Only this is already very little virginal. And have to type for the title of Cuenca revelation. My virgin Basin, revealed in the sky and stone, the year fifty-six years fifty-seven.
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