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I do not like to talk about what I like to talk about what I do not like to talk ... no ... what I like to talk about what you do not like ... talk about what I do not like to talk about what ... Damn! If I just invented the "tale that never ends." Yes! ... the Juan Sarmiento. "You want me to tell the story of Juan Sarmiento that never ends?" ... Quee ... I'm already gone. Ah yes! Talking about what you do not like ... Damn! ... No ... that if I like pussy! ... something that I do not like ... pufff!
... I do not like the bike. The bicycle not breed because the ride. I do not like milk. It has cream! Pfaagg!
I did not like a girlfriend that I had because I had a fat ass. With that ass I had .... Yes. Of course I liked it. That yeahhhh! That is true ... who boasted: "My girlfriend is an ass - and made a gesture with his hands and all, like stroking a soccer ball - which feed you have to throw away!" But it seems that it's throw eating took it to the letter, and the gesture that was previously separating the hands two or three feet, it has now become a "Dominus boviscum."
I do not like women who wear fur coats, of those skins that look like Indian ass ... with ... well with hemorrhoids piles which is what doctors call the ... Damn! ... if that seems rude piles. This I do not like! Hemorrhoids but ... Have not always piles? ... Well, then! What happens is that doctors are invented some words ... And I like that either. A we all know how things are called, get them and you have to call otherwise.
Bilirubin Touch your eggs! What's that pussy bilirubin? In the end, some we completed entirely through the song Juan Luis Guerra. " bilirubin gets me, when I look and not look at me. And do not remove the aspirin or penicillin serum "All Hala! Dancing around, shaking his head and trunk and humming "I rise bilirubin, bilirubin gets me " having no fucking idea what it is. But you pussies that you will rise in bilirubin or anything! Then you'd be fucking great if you came up. Bilirubin, to see if we learn, is a yellowish substance that releases the liver and lodged in the gallbladder, or bile. Even clearer, the gall. And you pulled! Dancing, shaking head back and forth and singing "I bilirubin gets" So you go up the gall, so asshole. And doctors why not call it gall which is as it's called as long as it is? Because bilirubin sounds better, more educated, that does not know that the common people. And they always do. Fix: We just talked about the gallbladder. Vesicle comes from Latin for "vesica" bladder means, and it is true, as a small bladder is pear-shaped lodged between the parts of the liver. Because instead of calling gallbladder, call vejiguilla and go. "It has operated in the vejiguilla stones." But ... it's better gall, which appears to have drawn from that song, if not the Rolling Stones or "You soak breast and you" ... that says ... says ... " vesiculi gallbladder vesiculi vesículaaaaá, ay! Vesiculi Vesiculi gall. " But they are not only physicians, because either the Juan Luis Guerra think he knew what he was talking a lot, because he says it raises the gall and bitter as we all know that lightning. See? That's another thing I like. Do you like what you bitter?. I have not heard anyone who likes more bitter than the other song ... the "sour wine." That says ... " Wine is the drink bitter because of a woman Why I get drunk ?.... give me sour wine. That bitter than bitter, pa love her more ". Well ... you apañao! But hey, is that the songs you know ... there each! ... Nor do I like that. I just do not like being fooled and we want them to put as fists. Go to the carols! Well look that's "But look at how drunk the fish in the river, but it looks like drink to see the God was born" . I sang one of the side of my people. We were on the bridge, he leaning on the rail watching the river and I used to sing it to drink to see the God was born, and he kept looking and looking at the fish that were there below and the very asshole, after a while I said
- Well I do not see them drink.
- Neither am I! Piece of cork! Do you think they'll drink and drink and see God was born?. Do you think if they knew the God was born of going to grab you with a hook? ... Soon .... There are, pa ti. No fuck you! ... Go go!.
But do not think that is the only one, because it sets in it ...
; Campana sobre campana
Y sobre campana a
Look out the window
will see the child in the crib.
So ... Let's see ... A moment ... There is a bell about another campaign, and ... I guess that other bell on a ¿¿¿???. But what? A What? ... Did you know ...? Well I do not know why, but the point is that if you look out the window to see the child in the cradle ... Well, with a joint just do not think you have enough for another having a bell on the hood and another one, then plundered and I looked out the window and plasma! See the child in the crib. Coooño!
But the fish in the river there is another verse that says:
The virgin walks
He walks alone
And no company has more
That the child of his hand.
The rhyme should be a Nobel Prize, or at least de Góngora. It reminds me of the verses of poet Lepe, I do not know what it was called, that he declaimed.
Morning the checkbox
Emana a soft cool.
Or that other saying
The day you met
I was Love
looked like a hummingbird
Locked in his jaulí
not believe that folk songs are behind him. One called "Ramon of my soul"
Ramon of my soul
If you had married
When I told you I
Would now
sentadito on the balcony.
yeah! Here is to analyze the cause and effect: You get married when I tell you and after a while you sentadito on the balcony. Suck this tangerine!
. "My canary" I do not know that area is.
Pajaritos that you fly
If you have seen my "pee"
for charity Tell
; Do not forget me.
OR From
He was a pastor
Larán larán larito
He was a pastor
Caring a little flock.
course! For that rhymes with "larito" herd because it would not be "Laraño" larana verb: I Laraño, you larana, laran. It has to be "little flock." But then the whole song is rhyming "larito" with quesito, golositos eyes, and "killed his kitten" We apañaos!
And one that bothers me because I give the hint is " to Peter as he was bald ... " It looks like the asshole of the letter did not occur better than anyone that we are bald to mess with them.
to Peter as he was bald
mosquitoes biting you
And his father told him
Ponte cap Periquito
; That mosquitoes bite you
In Triqui triquitrón
A flea and a mouse
have come out of a drawer.
And I
estrambote mode topping this song
I say go ahead and date the boat
; Fuck you bastard!
Anyway ... There's more puff! That says:
Ay ay ay ay! As the river carries it!
Ay ay ay ay! Too bad my love
was rightly jealous of him.
mean. Fasten. There's a guy, more or less, with the bride, who almost by force had to be uglier than the tax bill and were on the riverbank. I see him as well. The bride, ugly, is a guess, stumbles and falls into the water, and how well it can not swim away by the current, and meanwhile it from the shore sings "Oh ay ay ay! How it is carried by the river !.... Ay ay ay ay! Too bad my love "... But ... piece of bastard ... Get in on it! Save her! Ask for help! Or are you glad it's over? If not why do you sing? "Uh? But coooño!.
I imagine that these are lies and that singing can say all you want and nothing happens. Given this, I do not like, and accepting the fait accompli, only occurs to me that the best thing that can happen is that politicians do not learn to sing.
is clear that I like the lies, let alone when, without realizing it get cheat and everyone gives them to be true, but I do not give me as well, although the world is full of lies from them.
do not know if you ever had an opportunity to analyze the relationship between the mosquito and the trumpeter beetle. The first spent a "bad fucks" than for what, whereas the other is very hardworking man.
trumpeter The mosquito is a little animal of the family of mosquitoes that feed on residue left on the plates of Coke. It is a proud ... puff! Y solo porque tiene espiritrompa, y ¡claro! Llega a un sitio donde hay escarabajos peloteros.
- ¡Yo tengo espiritrompa! ¡Yo tengo espiritrompa! ¡Y chupo sangre y no mierda como vosotros! - y ante esto, los peloteros, que son más bien achaparraos, cogen cada depresión… los pobres. ¡Claro! Porque ellos no tienen de eso, de espiritrompa, quiero decir.
- Pero hijo – les digo yo – y a ti que más te da. Si para la porquería de espiritrompa que tienen les debería dar vergüenza. Si les debería pasar como a nosotros que cuando la tenemos pequeña nos da vergüenza we see it. If it were like butterflies, still, still, but if one is well and compared butterfly is like a "party blowers." But do not ignore me and suffer more than the holy Job. With how good they are and how little justice done to them.
Dung beetles, have been working since the Jurassic. By then, more than 200 million years, came a dinosaur in the middle of a meadow let out a cake of thirty-two hundred kilos grams, and nobody knows how they find, but when there appeared a dung beetle making a ball, and unless you think about it and got his friend Joaquin if Genaro uncle, his father The pellets, his grandfather, platoons, cousins \u200b\u200band entire family. It Liab balls and all to do in half an hour the field was cleaner and more polished than the plate of the cathedral of Santiago.
I guess you have seen. Make a ball bigger than them, and are rolling into a hole, but watch out ... here's the kicker. We go with his ball into the hole, and another on the same road again for another, because if you have seen in a documentary, which goes with the ball, makes the other dribble that leaves him sitting. Dung beetles have invented football! And not just the soccer ball! They also invented the ball! The hole is the goal, each ball is put a goal and the ball do them without having to import it .. de de de ... Taiwan. Therefore that the English invented the game is a lie. Lying slut and whore! It was invented by dung beetles, and the top scorer in the history is Pele, but a guy named Eustace, who 69 million years ago got 17264 goals and that did not live more than one and a half, died in an accident work because a diplodocus cegarrito stepped on, when I had a ball and insurance would not bear the costs because he was not given alta en la Seguridad Social.
Moraleja: Es una urbanización que hay yendo por la carretera de Burgos.
Alfonso Calle 14 January 2008
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