"Albalate Bombarrá,
who pinched by the chain of gold,
who pinched by the chain of gold,
spanning Valdeloso "
A friend had told me that there is a map which contained Albalate Uclés the Nogueras under the name of a Arab fortress, and my curiosity led me there to see for myself, and here are the imágenes.Este map is in the Church of the Monastery of Uclés, in the part devoted to the Muslim era.
Thanks to the collaboration of Jesus BS we have been collecting some data about that period, although not directly refer to Albalate of Nogueras, if we can give a rough idea of \u200b\u200bthe historic environment that is referenced by the location of Bisbarat during the period of the Taifa kingdoms and the Muslim presence in Spain.
Main page |
inner courtyard of the Monastery of Uclés |
inner courtyard of the Monastery of Uclés |
On the Internet we found the following information:
Banu Di-l-Nun
Banu Dynasty Di-l-Nun (this name appears most often used by historians, his name also known as Banu Banu Dil Di-Nun or L-Nun) was a dynasty Berber reigned in the Taifa of Toledo.
Banu Di-l-Nun was a family Hawwara Berber tribe, who arrived in the peninsula in a time of Islamic conquest. They settled in the hearts of Santabariyya or Shant Bariya (Santaver) (Cuenca province) and in the process of Arabization of the VIII-X changed their name Zennún Arabized Berber Banu in Di-l-Nun.
During the second half of the ninth century they controlled much of what is now the province of Cuenca from Santabariyya power center (near the Roman city of Ercávica). Between the territory they controlled was Uclés, Huete, Cuenca, Huélamo, Valera Alarcón e Iniesta. For the particular topography of the area, were in constant revolt against the Umayyad Emirate power, retaining a certain independence, and facing on a regular basis with Toledo. At that time were one of the lineages leading Brand Media, quoted by sources for their uprising against the power Emirate and their alternative submissions.
With Mansur, to reinforce their power, seek alliance with the lords border both with Mr. de Zaragoza and, in our case, with the Banu Di-l-Nun
eleventh century. Returned to their autonomy with the decline of the Caliphate during the first decade of the eleventh century, then, possibly ibn Abd al-Rahman Dil-Nun got the Umayyad Caliph Sulaiman al-Mustain (1009-1010 and 1013-1916) gives the appointment as master of Santaver, Huete, Cuenca Uclés and carrying the title of Nasir al- Dawla. The Abd al-Rahman in 1018 entrusted to his son Ismail Uclés government on their behalf and then sent him to Toledo at the request of Toledo dissatisfied with their rulers.
The Taifa of Toledo. This dynasty, gave the three regulators to the Taifa of Toledo, these regulators were
Ismail al-Zafir (1023 -1043),
Al-Mamun of Toledo (1043-1075), son of the former, but had to play at the beginning of his reign the throne to his brother.
Al-Qadir (1075-1080), grandson of the former, which was also regular
Taifa of Valencia *********************
*====****************************** First king of the Taifa of Toledo
Succeeded by Yahya ibn Ismail al Mamun
Titles: King of the Taifa of Toledo 1018 - 1044
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Toledo retained the reputation of being the royal city of the Visigoths, Arabs hence also known by the designation of Madinat al Muluk (city of kings). As capital of the border or Media-Brand and Zaragoza it was of the Upper and Badajoz, the lower mark-was a militarized constituency, so he could maintain a quasi-independence from Cordoba to the Caliphate. Upon the civil wars that would end the caliphate in the early eleventh century, Toledo became independent again, aided as always by their position impregnable.
The first character who formed a political leadership (Riyas) in the city think it was the qadi Muhammad ibn Abi Bakr Yais, to 1010, but after a while it was driven by locals, then taking refuge in Calatayud , city in which die between 1027 and 1028. After this period other characters tried to seize the city, including a certain Ibn Masarra, who was soon deposed by locals. Other sources insist that the power in the city and its districts took Rahman ibn Manyub or Matiyo, who failed to behave as it should, in the view of Toledo, and he was deposed. It seems that the people of Toledo took power and deposed the other two more individuals, as recorded by Ibn Adari finally decided to send a letter to Di l Rahman ibn Nun, Herr Santaver, giving the address of the Taifa of Toledo. This sent to take over power to his son Ismail.
The Banu Di l Nun were a family Hawwara Berber tribe, who arrived in Spain in the early days of Islamic conquest of the country. Their descendants appear quartermaster from the time of Muhammad I (852-886) in Santabariyya or Santaver, Centobriga old, tired strategic location and difficult access on a hill, not far from the confluence of Guadiela and the Tagus. Santaver, called in principle both to the district or hearts, and its capital, until the ninth century these Berbers, which in the process of Arabization of the VIII to X changed his gentile Zannun by Di l-Nun blend the Uclés capital (Uqlis) which later became the capital of the cora.
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Crisis of the Emirate of Cordoba |
During the first two centuries of Arab Muslim, Banu Di l Nun was one of the major lineages of Marca Media, frequently cited sources for their continuous uprisings against the central power and subsequent submissions to that power. Once gone the Caliphate of Cordoba, after the deposition and murder of the last chamberlain Amiri, his old self again from the first decade of the eleventh century. During the civil war that followed, Di l Nun Banu supported the caliph Sulayman al Mustain who would give Rahman ibn Di l Nun title Nasir al-Dawla (State counsel) for defending the northern frontier against the Christians, also giving confirmation and appointment as master of Santaver, with Huet , Uclés and Basin, then the dunnuní adopt a course of conduct totally independent.
is known, in short, that Rahman ibn Nun Di l entrusted in 1018 to his son Ismail, who was the then eighteen, Uclés square. A few years later, and after the removal of successive governors of Toledo, Toledo welcomed Rahman ibn Ismail ibn Nun l Di as ruler of the city and its districts, as they saw in it a way to get to Toledo of anarchy prevailing.
independence that Toledo had tried unsuccessfully to reach, under the leadership of a number of rebels, was made with Ismail, the " first Taifa kings." No doubt that this sovereign laid the foundations of the great territorial occupied Toledo taifa what had once been the Marca Media-that is, the vast region of Castilla La Mancha is located between Sierra Morena and Central-system and extending its effective domain from Guadalajara and Talavera in the north to Murcia in the South, highlighting in politics, culture and economy of his century.
However, the main supporter of Ismail in the city was a famous local character from its people, Abu Bakr ibn Yahya ibn Said ibn al-Hadidi, who came to acquire such importance in the city that gave him the nickname of Shaykh at Balda, "Sheikh City", for, besides being a person of great intelligence, was an expert in administration. The "young Ismail ibn Di l-Nun as stated Ibn Idari- not decide a case without him and asked his advice on the most important things . " This brought many problems, since the influence of Ibn Al Hadidi in the emir's political decisions stirred the enmity of another faction of the people of Toledo. The adviser of the emir die many years later that Ismail.
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Taifa Kingdoms |
Indeed, the abolition of the caliphate by the notables of the city of Córdoba (1031), did not erase the minds of many Andalusian his devotion to the Umayyad because they were a symbol of unity, prestige and power. The restoration of the Umayyad dynasty became the main cause which peaked loyalist, among other adventurers, the ruler of Abu I Hazm of Cordoba Assembly Yawar. Ismail commended the zeal manifested by defending the borders from attacks by the Christians of the North and in the process reminded him that the prosperity and strength of the state was in her marriage. Ismail replied to that letter, telling the Cordoba who had to be content with sending in the corner that had borrowed in Cordoba, while their neighbors are permitted, which in turn did not recognize in the off-Andalus or more sovereign than to the sky.
Di l Nun had to confront throughout his reign with the problem of candidates for the caliphate, which would sow disorder in their domains, and even threatened the integrity of the kingdom (such as succeeded in Calatrava area where there was a case of false Hisham II), threatening the stability of his throne. Had to deal with the claims of Abu Hazm Yawar I twice, the maneuvers of Abbadie in Seville, which raised the caliph Hisham II faso. In general this problem weighed heavily throughout s reign, but Ismail countered it with a policy of complete independence of the kingdom of Toledo, refusing to swear allegiance to any pretender to the caliphate. it is said that on one occasion said:
" have the right to be who does actually. I do not choose to power more than myself and I do not undergo anyone. "
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1080 Taifa Kingdoms |
toledanano In court was never first-rate poets, hence some authors have expressed hostility toward Ismail calling him greedy. Actually, this accusation is not unfounded as far as poets are concerned, they are accustomed to the profligacy of the Umayyad or other Taifa kings, the Court found no subsidies Toledo alos thought to be deserving, because there was really only cared science and considered by the king and his successors.
Ismail cared to have sound finances, in order to meet the costs of state was the main item to the army, and be well armed and supplied the strengths of the northern border. Guarding the entrance to regular taxes and took care of the Treasury. His lavish spending were modest, reaching around it to accumulate great wealth. Abdurrahman ibn Ismail ibn Di l Nun died in 1043, leaving well established the throne of one of the most powerful kingdoms taifal, if not the strongest, its boundaries were: the East, the kingdom of Zaragoza and independent principalities and Albarracín Alpuente, the Southeast, the Slavonian kingdoms of Denia and Valencia; West, the kingdom of Badajoz North, Central System between him and the Christian kingdoms. He was succeeded by his son Yahya, known as Al Mamun would take his dynasty to its peak.
Related to this we found this:
" About Madina / Qúnka / Quwanka (Cuenca). The Latin etymon Conc / Shell in the toponomía romance of Al-Andalus " John A. Chavarria Vargas (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
With the purpose of introducing authentic historiography solid foundations that surround and facilitate the arduous task of numismatic researchers in their specialty English-Arabic, is that this contribution to offer simple compilation-numismatic spirit. The unknown Islamic history of the city of Cuenca and its lands, is inevitably intertwined with the unique socio-political experiences of a remarkable Muslim family persevering through these lands for more than five hundred years: Banií Zennún or Dü-I-Niina. They are the founders and builders of the best cities and villages throughout Spain conquensiana: Cuenca, Huete, Huélamo, Iniesta, Uclés and also over one hundred municipalities of profound Arabic root. Also, they will provide independent kings of the kingdoms of Cordoba, Cuenca, Toledo and Valencia, where will the mark of its sovereignty, by minting gold, silver and fleece.
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images (coins) do not correspond to the topic discussed in this article. Have been obtained from various websites.
BASIN: their currencies Hispano-Arab.
416-506H. (1025-1113 AD).
With the purpose of introducing authentic historiography solid foundations that surround and facilitate the arduous task of numismatic researchers in their specialty English-Arabic, is that this contribution to offer simple compilation-numismatic spirit. The unknown Islamic history of the city of Cuenca and its lands, is inevitably intertwined with the unique socio-political experiences of a remarkable Muslim family persevering through these lands for more than five hundred years: Banií Zennún or Dü-I-Niina. They are the founders and builders of the best cities and villages throughout Spain conquensiana: Cuenca, Huete, Huélamo, Iniesta, Uclés and also over one hundred municipalities of profound Arabic root. Also, they will provide independent kings of the kingdoms of Cordoba, Cuenca, Toledo and Valencia, where will the mark of its sovereignty, by minting gold, silver and fleece.
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images (coins) do not correspond to the topic discussed in this article. Have been obtained from various websites.
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