by Ambrosio Monteagudo Manuel
Magazine "Cuenca", No. 26, 2 nd Semester 1974
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Magazine "Cuenca" Click on image to go to the original |
Occupying the northwest of our province, with an area of \u200b\u200bsome 153,000 hectares and a population about 15,000 inhabitants, distributed in 41 villages, stands the Party of Priego. Located in the Alto Tajo basin, has two natural regions, the Sierra Alcarria, perfectly defined in all its geographical features, ethnological, economic, etc.
highest for the incomparable beauty of mountain landscapes: high mountains, deep valleys, beautiful and lavish " sickles " where it runs crystal clear waters that cause a maze of tiny rivers. Huge masses of gray-tinged rock (the salts that evoke the poet as " blue mountains where the water falls are impressive singing "...) corner windows left open to the most daring imagination. Landscapes consist of multiple shades of green, from his lush and varied vegetation, lush pineapple-ing, slender and straight, are the constant geographic region. Who has not'll enjoy the scenery as "Priego The Strait", "Hoz de Beteta " Valley of Solan de Cabras (which at times host to Fernando VII and his wife Amalia of Saxony) " Albalate Hoz, "" Gates of Hell "of Fuertescusa ...!
In contrast to the untamed landscape of mountain peaks, we find Alcarrian soft rolling hills, plains of gray-whitish areas, with long strokes of silver-green olive groves.
As ethnography is in the region of the Sierra where we found many families with greater purity of the Iberian type that have been perpetuated in close consanguinity. In the Alcarria there is a greater racial mix (Romans, Goths), without violating the Arab influence, which, as gardeners, wool carders, fullers, potters and other crafts, inhabited the banks of the river and its tributaries Guadiela.
livelihoods of the mountain region are essentially its immense forest and livestock, the latter thriving in a not too distant future and promise for the near future. The Alcarria lived, above all, the cultivation of olive trees, cereals, fruits and beekeeping remains of his reputation. In both regions has been grown from a few years ago wicker, which is the area of \u200b\u200bincreased domestic production.
respect to industries, factories are oils, flours, sorting and peeling wicker; starting small-scale manufacturing of it, with broad prospects for the future, very interesting are the pottery industry in the town of Priego, varied in objects ornamentation.
But as an industry-wide highlights national and international carbon production silicon (carburundun) in Vadillos (Canizares) which together with the five hydroelectric dams on the river Guadiela form a major industrial complex.
There is also a bottling plant and medicinal water spa Solan de Cabras (Bete) marking the national interest. It would be endless
step through the history of these lands. The archaeological remains appeared in "The hill on Castro (Cañaveruelas) are reminiscent of Roman rule and the possible identification of these findings with the famous Visigothic Ercávica with the dioceses of Valeria and Segóbriga.
The name of towns and places we talk about the raids and battles taken place in many of them and those taking part El Cid and his nephew Alvarfanez in an effort to reconquer Spain from the Moors. So we know the battle taking near Villaconejos.
The history of many of the people of this party is being filled with names and works of art of great brilliance. In the apse of the altar of the parish church of Valdeolivas, there are some frescoes made by Pantocrator Tetramorph with the Apostolate. Dating from 1230 to 1325. These paintings (Romanesque transition) only in the province, are as a vertex of an angle formed by the existing Berlage Casillas (Soria) and Daroca (Zaragoza). It appears they were made by the Cistercian monks of the Monastery of Monsalud of Córdoba (Guadalajara), who lead his artistic influence, both in painting and architecture across a band whose most representative architectural remains be Valdeolivas Church (with central nave and Romanesque tower and two aisles of transition) and the beautiful Romanesque church Arcas. Thanks to the magnificent restoration of these paintings done by the National Institute of Restoration, under the Directorate General of Fine Arts, held in the year 1973 by Joaquín Ballester Espí can be seen today as a unique jewel in the province and in Spain with the famous and Leon Catalonia.
The first name that stands out in the written history of this land is Garci Gomez Carrillo, the ascendancy of the German royal family, which by its value and service to King Alfonso X, married his cousin Dona Urraca and received in dowry Priego and " many tenements" which were passed to their descendants down to Don Pedro Carrillo, Alconera Mayor and adviser to King Don Juan II, one of the most interesting figures of the fifteenth century. When he died he left only a daughter, Teresa Carrillo, who married to Diego Hurtado de Mendoza, on condition that the eldest son carry the name Carrillo. Henry IV, in a letter dated Olmedo in 1465 awarded him the title of Count of Priego for his great merits in the field. Counts of Priego continue to provide loyal service to their kings, highlighting Don Fernando Carrillo de Mendoza, M. de Cañaveras, VI Count of Priego.
Don Fernando Carrillo de Mendoza was Ambassador of Portugal Philip II, who appointed him chief butler and waiter in his brother Don Juan of Austria when he publicly acknowledged. Together with his two sons Don Luis and Don Antonio, accompanied the Infante Don Juan at the Battle of Lepanto, where he lived up to its name, fighting bravely, as Lope de Vega sings in his "Naval Battle ." Precisely at the time of this dangerous battle the Count of Priego vowed to found a convent dating when he and his sons life. Being sent to Rome to report to Pope Pius V the victory of the Christian arms, sought and was granted by the Holy Father the license for the foundation of the Convent. Such is the origin of the sanctuary called " San Miguel de las Victorias " currently located in a hillside that is "The Strait of Priego ."
In the villages of the region are emerging illustrious families. Orozco Ribera, Marquis II in Villaconejos Mortara, so as Marquina, Resa and Coronel, Page, and others.
Cañizares was a Manor Albornoz. The marriage of Don Garcia Alvarez de Albornoz and Dona Teresa Luna was born Don Gil Alvarez de Albornoz, Cardinal and major figure
Spain and Europe in the fourteenth century. Cardinal Nephew was Gomez Garcia, the first "Lord of the Infantry , then these lands from the great Constable Don Alvaro de Luna, who was titled Duke of Infantado and Mr. de Albornoz " and that upon being confiscated pass Gómez Carrillo de Albornoz, and Cañamares Ocentejo lord. Beteta
belongs to the Lordship of Albornoz and Carrillo and later the Marquis of Abeinquer by marriage of Dona Luisa Carrillo de Albornoz with the first Marquis of Abeinquer.
medieval type buildings with windows and doors carved chairs, coats of arms, the remains of castles, windmills in masonry, wall paintings in temples and houses, Romanesque and Renaissance towers, we still speak of the illustrious pages of a history is still alive among the simple and noble people of the small towns of this region.
These people, from their settlement in this notorious past, open to the rhythm of time and progress. But his warm spirit, offers the wonders of its climate, landscape, its great potential for hunting and fishing to all who seek tranquility and relaxation amid the fast pace of our era.
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